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Special Bristol Resources

The Friends of Irish Research
Genealogy Research Team
899 North Main Street, Brockton, MA 02301
We are busy cataloging over 100 boxes of donated books.
If you want to know what we have in the library you can check it online at:
The David Allen Lambert Library Collection
(Open the link in a new window)

New Resources
Updated computers for researchers
Thousands of new reference books
Microfilm Reader/Scanner - Local MA Census microfilms (1850-1930)
The Boston Globe (1989-2009) - The New York Times (1861-2009)

MSOG-Bristol Visits the
Friends Facility (8/26/16)

Check out our Upcoming Events
Kilpadder Famine Pit Restored and Consecrated
A project of Mr. Bob Murphy (ICCNE, FIR)

We are a Member of
Cape Breton Genealogy & Historical Association

We would like to warmly welcome you to the resources and
services of our research center. The focus of the research center is to provide a place
where you can come and discuss solutions in your genealogical search.
Our staff has over 100 years of experience and we offer access to some
of the most comprehensive resources currently available.
Our New Website
This web page is currently under
construction and general comments and suggestions as to content, are welcomed.
Just send us an email to friendsofirishresearch@gmail.com
Research Center Hours
We are open on most Friday evenings 7:30pm - 9:30 pm. Check the
Upcoming Events page for the current
schedule of meetings. To make an
appointment for a genealogical consult please email us at
and we will communicate with you concerning the best day and time. Download the
new consultation form to provide
us vital information that will allow us to assist you online or in-person.
The Library
Currently our library is
home to over 15,000 digital books and it is growing everyday. The Research Team
has undertaken several projects. We built
a searchable database of all the grave markers in the
Old St. Mary's
Cemetery in Canton, MA.
The Home of the Friends of Irish Research
899 N. Main St.,Brockton, MA. Please use the N.
Main St. entrance (brick facade).