Genealogy at the Research Center


Our Library is a place of good conversation and connections for family roots and heritage. Structuring your search is invaluable for both those stumped and those beginning to find their Irish Roots. Occasional Weekend Seminars and guest speakers pave the path to the wealth of information now available to the novice and researchers alike. Genealogy advice and resources are available by appointment on Friday evenings 7-10 pm. To schedule an appointment, please email

We use a number of aids to help you with your genealogy.  Ancestry International and the Origins Network are subscription services that we’ll refer to commonly.  In addition, there are several other free online sites that we find helpful.  We also have a research reference library of books and compact disks that are a wealth of information and also available to use in your research.

Online or In-Person Consultations

Please download and complete the new consultation form and email it to . The information you provide will help us help you.

Free Genealogy Research Charts

Six Generation Chart     Pedigree Chart     Family Unit Chart     Ancestor Chart

Irish Genealogy Research

Irish pedigrees: The origin and stem of the Irish nation, Volume 1 by John O’Hart, 1892 (searchable)

Irish pedigrees: or, The origin and stem of the Irish nation, Volume 2 by John O’Hart, 1892 (searchable)

 Census of Ireland for the Year 1851         LDS/Research Guide Ireland           National Archives Ireland

 National Library of Ireland               Ellis Island Database 1892-1924          Ireland Census Records by County

 Library Ireland      Irish Family History Research on the Web

General Information

Resources for Genealogists and Family Historians

New Resources

A special link provided by Ada came across an article on Ancestry to Archives: Libraries Are Revolutionizing Family Tree Research and thought it would be a great addition to your webpage:

A special link provided by Ben who is working on his Genealogy Badge in the Boy Scouts about AI & Genealogy

From We have a robust birth, marriage and death collection in addition to our 1911 census search

A special link provided by Anna of the Hampton Public Library group.

A special link provided by Colleen who is working on her Girl Scout "My Family Story" Badge.

A special link provided by Amanda from Rutland County Vermont

"Researching Your Family History from Ships Passenger Lists"


DNA Family Tree Maker:

Genealogy Links

Geography and Ancestry - A link recommended to us by Spencer.

New York State Research - links to many useful site in and around NYC

Genealogy on Facebook

Explanation of Irish Church Records and how to search Here - Church_Records_info.pdf

Brief explanation on Genealogy Here - reversegenealogy.pdf  The United States military keeps detailed records of its servicemen and women making it a perfect resource for genealogical search. the web address for The National Library of Ireland. Take time to explore this site it has extensive references that are of interest to the Family Historian and Genealogist.
The National Archives of Ireland. This site has of course has the 1901 & 1911 Census online. This site has a wealth of information and is worth searching. Always remember a visit to the National Archives in Bishop Street is a must.
Free access to Griffith’s Valuation, the first full scale valuation of property in Ireland, published between 1847 – 1864. You can also view a transcription scan of the original document
This is the web site for the Dublin City archive in Pearse Street. FREE . The archive holds many references to all areas of Dublin and beyond. The Archive is on the first floor and identification is required in order to get a card. The only costs will be for copies of any items required.
Records for every part of Ireland gives a snap shot of who might be living in the town land that you are researching. FREE
A free site of transcribed records for several counties. Kerry, Dublin and Carlow etc.
This site allows access to Maps of Ireland including Historic Maps that allow you to explore the area where your ancestors lived. You can view the maps in their present day form or explore your area of interest through the historic maps
This is a paid site and includes Griffiths Valuation and some local directories. There is a lot more besides. You can search this site free at the National Library.
A site that covers Parish Records and Civil Registration for many counties. This site only covers some of the available records. If they have not been transcribed the record you require may still be located in the Parish your ancestor lived. There is a charge for a record but if you locate a relevant record it might move your research forward and open other possibilities.
Public Records Office Northern Ireland. Many catalogue references are available online.
This is a link to the Northern Ireland Historical Society with some free areas and also areas to purchase some birth, marriages and death references.
This links to the National Archives at Kew. Naval service records and other documents available for download for a small fee.
Part of the National Archives at Kew UK. If you find a document that might help with your family research you can pay online and download the document. It covers wills, military and naval records plus many more.
An online tutorial through the National Archive at Kew. You can learn to read handwriting found on documents written in English between 1500 – 1800. An excellent source to help when you are researching in Parish Records and Estate Records.
This is one of the best sites if you have any connections with Scotland this site can in one day get a large amount of information. This is a paid site but well worth the money.
Welsh census references.
This is the web address of the National Archives of Australia.
This is the web address of the National Archives of New Zealand.
This is a site that has many different links many in relation to Australia.
Many Irish went to Nova Scotia so always worth searching.
This is a link to the National Archives of Canada.
Podcasts and the site itself can be searched for any possible useful links. FREE SITE

This site has been setup by the LDS and is another part of their large website with references for family history. FREE SITE
This site will allow you to understand Archaic Medical Terms as stated on older death certificates.
This site links to gravestone inscriptions that have been submitted by genealogists and family history researchers. FREE SITE
Volunteers have transcribed gravestone memorials from many parts of the world. You might be lucky and find something that relates to your family.
This is an online search facility for burials in Glasnevin Cemetery. This is a subscription site.
Photographs of British War Graves throughout the world supplied free by volunteers.
This is a site for US newspapers. Searching the headlines is free. You do have to subscribe to search in more depth.
A paid site but you can subscribe for a short time before you buy the access. This site now has the Tithe Applotments for Ireland on a new database.
Details of trials in the old bailey in London many Irish people mentioned. FREE
An American site with some videos about genealogy . FREE
This site is back due to public demand. More will be added in time.
A US Publication but the site is well worth visiting and I would suggest that you subscribe to the newsletter, this is free. Update of new sites available are printed regularly
Research into various family names but also includes many transcriptions mainly for the Cork area.
Listings of indexes for birth marriages and deaths in UK.
Listings for deaths, some army and some civilians in both wars. Some genealogical information can be located in the listings. This comes in the form of a short biography of some of the victims.
A map collection of Irish Townland Maps. A site worth browsing.
The central database for UK burials and cremations. If you locate an entry of interest you will have to buy credits to view the record. The costs are available on the web site.
This site has passenger lists of over 24 million records of those on ships sailing for destinations worldwide.
You can search for birth, marriage and death records and historical certificates can be purchased online. It normally takes about 2 weeks for the item to arrive.
This is the Society of Australian Genealogists. You can subscribe to their newsletter at no cost. This will keep you updated on any new resources that become available.
This site gives details of 11 million immigrants from 1820 – 1892 arriving in the The Battery area of New York.
This is the main entry point for migrants to the US for more than half a century from 1892. To search all you have to do is register your e mail and all searches are free. Remember after the early 1900 many of the manifests have a second page and may give a description of the passenger.
This site has been created by volunteer transcribers. It lists immigrants from all areas of the world. It is another option in your search for ancestors.
This site is run by a group of volunteers to provide websites for genealogical research for every county and every state of the United States. Exploration of this site is recommended.
Records of so called criminal ancestors. More of a lucky dip database. Definitely worth searching.
A searchable database containing over 195,000 criminal trials held at London’s central criminal court. This site will have references to Ireland as well as the UK.
Free online resource of books and articles on Irish History, genealogy and culture.
This site has lists of directories online mainly for Belfast but others have also been added such as Newry, Waterford and 1913 Telephone Directory for Belfast, Cork and Dublin.
A site with a large amount of records which is well worth viewing. It is a subscription site. The cost for 12 months access is €35. You can take out pay per view access at a smaller cost. Check out the prices and see what suits you.
A very popular genealogical links site that covers many parts of the world. New material is being added regularly.
An expanding database of transcribed passenger lists than can be searched by port of arrival or departure.
Australian Federation of Family History Organisations. Gives an outline index of indexes available for research.
New Zealand related. Free information and ships lists between the years 1835 – 1910.
Over one million pages of digitized NZ papers and periodicals (1839 – 1932).
Two million death notices extracted from 153 Australian Newspapers.
Sites that gives details of resources available online for Wales
Over 700,000 genealogy records for many different conflicts. There is a charge so check the site for the costs.
Transcripts of |BMD announcements in Belfast newspapers and extracts from the Registers of Deceased Seamen.
A complete guide to finding Ireland’s military records.
This site has many useful areas particularly if you are searching for the name of a townland. You can input any section of the name and you will get matches which will allow you to establish the correct spelling, the Barony and the Parish. This site also has an excellent PDF that you can download which gives details of how Griffiths Valuation was compiled.
Gives a detailed introduction to researching Irish migration to the UK. – 1940 Census Records – Obituary Search - SSDI
This site details how and where you can undertake research into Presbyterian Records.
Excellent site for any research on Quaker ancestors. Lists of what is available for Church of Ireland A province of the Anglican Community. This will give you details of the RCB Library for Parish Register Research.

Jewish Records
The Irish Jewish Museum,
3-4 Walworth Street
South Circular Road
Dublin 8 Tel / Fax (01) 4758388

If you require any help on Jewish Research give them a call and they will help you in any way they can.
Details of research areas for many religions.
This is one of the best free sites for Donegal Research. It is run by Lindel Buckly who is the descendent of a family who emigrated from Donegal to New Zealand. This site is updated regularly.
This site has a section devoted to family history and one of the listings are all deathes registered between 1864 – 1870. If you have Waterford Ancestors this is an excellent site.
This site has a large amount to information including a section where you can download free charts to use during your research.
This is a totally free site where you can search for burials in the Mount St Lawrence Cemetery in Limerick
Over 1200 Gravestone Photo Records from across Tyrone.
This site links to the Registry of Deeds Ireland. There are some transcriptions on the site.
This site is for Births Marriage and Deaths for the UK. It also has emigration records and census. It is a subscription site. You can register and search before you actually buy access.
This is the site for research in Scotland. If you have Scottish ancestors this site is a very quick and inexpensive way to research. The 1911 Census has just been put online in recent days April 2011. An excellent subscription site.
This site is a subscription site but can be accessed free at the National Library of Ireland. You can however subscribe for a short time. Check out the site for prices. A free resource relating to estates in Connaught and Munster.
Established in the 17th Century. This is the official newspaper of record for official, regulatory and legal information. It also contains references to private individuals.
Useful for researching your criminal ancestors. Court and prison records for UK and North America and more besides.
Burial records for many of the graveyards in the county for burial grounds under the care of Kerry County Council.
Search newspapers on this site free. Mainly for the USA but Ireland will of course be mentioned.
This is a website set up to help genealogists to locate items available on line and also tells you which are free sites. When you see the $ you know that there is a charge. This site is updated regularly.

Persons carrying out police related research can be facilitated at the Museum and Archives. Among the museum artefacts are photographs and documents outlining the history and development of policing in Ireland in the 19th/20th centuries. The Museum library contains a number of very interesting police-related publications.

Genealogy and Family History Society’s

Irish Family History

Genealogical Society of Ireland

Irish Genealogical Research Society @

Check your local area for Local History Groups. This is a magazine is excellent for Family History Research it is published in Ireland. Check out the site.

Best DNA Test for Ancestry An excellent article comparing the various DNA tests.

Borrowed from Ireland Reaching Out